The Auburn Rooster and The Red Stick

We showed up to Roosters in Auburn, AL Wednesday night......Web showed us around, Maurice cooked us some food, Jody made some drinks, and we played some pool. They also have that quarter game where a MILLION quarters are just sitting at the end of this ledge waiting to be pushed off. You put in a quarter of your own and hope that it winds up pushing one quarter into another, eventually off the ledge. Somehow this stupid little game will make ANYBODY an addicted gambler! I don't understand it.....the most you might win on a given try is MAYBE 75 cents, but somehow you just HAVE to win can't quit cuz it's always just SOOOOOO close. I'm ashamed.
Ben and his crew were at the show telling us all about Fred's Pickin' Parlor (a barn attic hay loft where people come to "jam" on thursday nights)....maybe next time guys! We also realized we left all our shirts and cds at The Nick in Birmingham :( We had to wake up early, drive 3 hours, and grab them out of the sound guy's pick-up truck the next morning. About 6 hours later we rolled up to Baton Rouge, LA. Po' Boys and Hush Puppies!!
The Click's was a a good club with plenty of pool tables, darts, and Air Hockey.....yup. Air Hockey.

Holly, Kayla, and Patrick were taking care of us at the bar and Adele, Fridge, Leah, and Greg were Reppin' hard (thanks for driving an hour to get there Greg!) Now we're getting back into the van for a solid 12 hours.........will most likely involve another panel discussion on the morality of Odysseus (justice or revenge) and the origins/relevance of "Archetypes."
We're either bored or decide.