November 24, 2007

Wrong Line Montage

Meghan had some free time and used this song for her video diary. Check out the choreography at 1 minute.

November 17, 2007

GUESS WHAT?!?!?!!!!

We're not going to Yellowstone National Park. Turns out they put it in some ridiculously out-of-the-way place. Maybe that's why it's such a big deal. Cause, who do you know that's even been there? That's what I thought.

Wow there's crazy mist in the mountains here in Washington. Wonder what state we'll pass through next on our journey back to beautiful New York City... Do you think it'll have WATERFALLS? Like THIS?


By the way, I was asked to be on a panel of judges in a college battle of the bands. They asked me to be mean, like the guy on the karaoke TV show on Fox. I said No. The bands were good though. Very young. I felt old. And embarrassed, since I'm sure I don't have the authority to judge other bands.

(Celebrity Judge Zac Colwell)

Thanks Gonzaga University for having us. You rule Dominique.

Wish us safe travels folks. It's rainy out here in Washington.


November 12, 2007

Pacific NorthWHAT!!!

Let me catch y'all up on what J1 has been doing lately. First, pull out your copies of the new Chromeo and Datarock albums, cause you're gonna want to hear that while I tell this. It's what we hear in the van.
We drove across the country. ALLL the way across, people. No kidding. New York to LA Bitch. (That's what we learned there in LA: you say "bitch" after whatever it is you said, bitch.)
The scenery was indescribable, so I won't. If you've done it then you know.
We played an awesome show at Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles (that's spanish for The Angeles). Thanks for everyone coming and making it an unforgettable first west coast show.
On and on we drove playing shows. A NACA conference in Spokane, a show in portland. In between there was a gig in Seattle at Skylark. Very cool bands there that we played with. Thanks Denelian and Wimbleweather for kicking ass and making us feel like part of a special community. Then we HAD to find sushi. We did. Rude hostess. Cool waitress. You know the deal.
Ok here's the best part: There Are Tunnels Underneath The City Of Portland Where They Used To Take People and Sell Them To Ship Captains!!!! It was called Shanhaing and at it's peak 3000 men a year disappeared between 1850 and 1941. We took a rad tour given by the SAME GUY Kellen saw on the History Channel. Sweet! There were definitely ghosts around. As I sit and type we are approaching Spokane once again to play at Gonzaga University... I think we were asked to judge a battle of the bands or something... um... before we play... I decide now - Everybody Wins!!! This will be our last show before we start the long drive back home... however, I think we may stop at Yellowstone, so I'll have the sure-to-be-bursting-with-excitement Dave Heilman write one more post about that :)
Good Evening.
Good Morning
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  • Contact Band:

    Ryan Ruden - Management
    Aerial Entertainment, Inc