May 27, 2008

Day 73

Parma, OH (Jigsaw Saloon)

We stopped at a rest stop to go "sunning"

Parma is CLOSE to Cleveland, but definitely NOT Cleveland.
Thank God our peeps from Run, Run Addington and Madison East showed up! Thanks for coming guys...wish we had picks.


DAY 72

Toledo, OH (Frankie's Inner City)

On the way here we had to burn a shit-ton of our own cds cuz we ran out :( It was a job for "Pat and Dave DiscMakers"

Our old friends Dave, Nathan, Linda and Molly came to the show. Linda was introduced to the Kentucky Gentleman that night and left without recollection of the evening. Here's Zac after his 7th pow-wow with the Gentleman....

Stacy had us spend the night at her house and it's a super huge, really cool place. She also just HAPPENED to have 5 mattresses laying around....Thanks Stacy!


DAY 71

Charleston, WV (Empty Glass)

We ran up "the boulevard" in the rain, played a show, met some nice guys like "Wood" and "Roadblock," then we snuck into a hotel. This was actually way more hilarious than it reads. We tried to save $ by saying we're 2 people instead of 4. The psycho front counter woman was SO suspicious that she walked up to our tinted van to peak inside. Panda was hiding in the back while Zac was passed out between seats. The surveillance camera was focused right on our door so they waited 20 minutes and did a sprint to the room. There was only 1 double bed and 1 single. K and I slept closer to each other than any platonic males have EVER slept the history of man.


DAY 70

Bowling Green, KY (Tidballs)

"No Balls, No Fun." (wtf??)

We rolled into town and met Kristen and Sarah. Then we went to a bar. Then we played a show and met Jamie, Beaver, and Wolverine. Jamie's from NJ which makes her awesome which is why she let us sleep at her house :) THANK YOU!

lame pics.


DAY 69

Lexington, KY (Two Keys Tavern)

We showed up and Bekah bought us all drinks. ALL night.

We love her.

Amy and Catey showed up. We got to meet Dylan, Stevie, & Hootie. We also ate Wild Mushroom Pizza. Thanks Brent!
That's it :)


DAY 68

Nashville, TN (The Basement)

We drove straight to Nashville and forgot to take pics...again. Thanks to Mike, Diana, Miranda, Beau, and Rachel...People should eat more Pancakes.

(That's what I said)


DAY 67

New Orleans, LA (Circle Bar)

We're lame and didn't take any photos, but we had a great time. Magna Porte played with us and rocked. We made some new friends and saw Casey again! Thanks for having us Jason.


May 24, 2008

DAY 65 & 66

Helotes, TX (Josabi Theatre)

We started the day off with a quick visit to Zac's old Elementary School "Menchaca" (a.k.a. School for Geniuses)

They even saved his first paper mache's a green army man swimming in a chemical bath. (wtf?)

We went back home for some backyard BBQ then drove off to Helotes. Craig and Mark came with us in the Blaze and we met up with the San Antonio crew....

Thanks for taking some shots Donny!

After the show we drove to Whatsaburger and destroyed ourselves. The next day we spent rehearsing some songs, buying new cd's at Waterloo Records, and eating Amy's Ice Cream. I bought "Does It Offend You, Yeah?" (really cool electronic/dance shit) "NEON NEON" (super cool concept album about Jack DeLorean by Gruff Rhys and Boom Bip) "Sound Team" (great album we've had for a long time, but i just got it on cd finally. We're sad they broke up.) and "Cut Copy's" second album (no verdict as of yet)

As for Amy's, it was my first time and it rules.

We left the Colwell house early in the morning and drove straight for New Orleans....bye Austin!


May 19, 2008

DAY 64

Austin, TX (Beauty Bar)

Today Mr. Colwell took us out on Town Lake with the Kayaks.....and Mrs. Colwell loaned us her shorts.

If you've never been to Austin you need to know that there's a Bridge with thousands of bats living underneath it. At dusk they all fly out to eat the insects and blot out the sky. We could hear them all as we passed underneath. creepy.

We went to Barton Springs (for some reason the gates were closed and no one could swim there) but Zac and Panda had fond memories of the intimidating diving board while K and I just imagined how cool it WOULD be (if people were actually swimming there).

We got back in our boats and went home to Casa de Colwell where Mrs. Colwell had some grilled chesse sandwiches waiting for us :) After Zac made us watch "HELP!" for the 19th time, we showered and drove to Beauty Bar. Everyone working there is cool and a bunch of friends and family came down.

Here's Pat trying to help K get up usual K fashion he somehow wound up crashing through the drums and on my lap at the end of "Fire Away"

This is Pat......

This is what Pat looks like to K after 5 PBRs....

BIG shout out to Fernando, David and Alisha, Holly, Chris, DH's peeps, Mr. & Mrs. Colwell, Jody, Jessica, J.J. Johnson, Brannen, Trevor & Liz, Seela and John, Mark, Craig, Claire, Ashley, MArcus, Crystal, Billy, Doug, Steve, Donny, Lauren, Drew & Adrian, Syreeta, Reneau and everyone else that kicked it that night.



DAY 63

San Antonio, TX (Jack's Patio Bar)

We got home real late so we ran around the block a few times....hung with Chet some more....and drove off to San Antonio.

The bar was cool....Donnie came down and we met some new friends. A big storm rolled through and knocked the power out during the next band's set. Rhyme Mind Theory stuck it out while we all hung out campfire style in the bar. Luckily Mark came down with us and scored a couple buckets of KFC.

K was psyched.

Some girl flashed her boobs for no apparent reason....kinda weird when that happens.

Thanks to Lacey, Jackie, Lauren, Donny, Roy, Jenny and Joel for hanging with us.


DAY 62

Fort Worth, TX (The Aardvark)

We started the day off with some BBQ up the road from Casa de Colwell

Zac worked there when he was 17 years old and actually got held up by shotgun working the register....crazy! We've all heard this story and can't believe we're in the legendary joint.

Andrea and Juan are holding down the fort......for some reason Juan has STILL managed not to speak a single word to Zac

We ate.....

We drank....

...and we drove to Ft. Worth. Pat did his best to blend in...

Oh weird!! Pat knows some people here??? ;)

This is "Salsa" Molina

Salsa made Pat's bad-ass leather/snakeskin guitar strap. He's a master manipulator of leather.

K got some points cuz he knew Graham Richards....

We also had Brady come down with a bunch of people, ....thanks for making it to The Aardvark!

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  • Contact Band:

    Ryan Ruden - Management
    Aerial Entertainment, Inc