Jan. 24 @ The Camel
Her place had a pooll...not too Shabbaaayyy....(trademark dialect by PJD)

We rumaged her house for stale chips while K got his new cell phone...he lost his other one...again!

Courtney found me in her room checking "sites".....nothing weird....just e-mail and stuff....really.

We thanked her for housing fugitives and then left for Ice Man and Margo's house...Richmond, VA!
Most of you know who that is already, but for the new folks, Margo is a friend of Pat's and Corey "a.k.a. Ice Man" is Margo's husband.

These two beautiful humans have become great friends of Jupiter One and we always look forward to staying with them in Richmond...We even played at their wedding! We watched some of the video that night and Nick Wurz edited the thing like a casablanca love affair.....straight up movie stars.
(incidentally, doesn't Ice Man look JUST like Bob Harper?? The Trainer from The Biggest Loser?)

Anyway, Margo is an amazing cook so the first thing we usually do is eat. (whilst drinking plenty of wine) This visit was no exception. After a retardedly good dinner we jumped in the Blaze and drove to The Camel

It was a bit drafty so Margo let me use her coat...i think Dan Konopka put it best when he said, "You look like Ming (the merciless) little brother."

Some of the first people to show up was our original bass player's Mom, Mrs. Persiani!! She's so cool. Always comes out to any show in VA we're doing....

Some other familiar VA faces, like Daniela, started to show up....

Ice Man's friend Mike was DJ-ing the night.....

...got K up on the good foot....

..later that night during the song Platfrom Moon, K got on the BAD foot when he fell backwards (mid-spin) in to my drumset and knocked everything over. We all just stopped playing to dig K up out of the drums...WHY do we not have photos of THAT?!?!?!
it was hilarious.
After the set, Ice Man explained the "Great Fall" from an audience perspective....i believe it was described as the LEAST graceful and MOST imminent downward collapse of all time.

We spent the night at the Turnage's and woke up to a brunch complete with mimosas :)

Andy and Kat came by so we watched some scenes from The Full Monty and Andrew's HILARIOUS documentary called The CinnaBunnies....keep an eye out for this one..it;s a parody on Making The BAnd....check it out on FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=51462579579
Thanks for a great weekend guys....loooking forward to the next one