March 27, 2008

Boston Flophouse Sessions podcast

Check out this really nice podcast we did in Boston a couple of months ago. 
Includes some new songs and an old organ.
By the way, see you in Boston this Saturday!

Tommy Doyle's (the old House of Blues)
Harvard Square
96 Winthrop St. 
Cambridge, Ma

w/ People In Planes and This Blue Heaven
9pm (we play at 11pm) $2 cover

March 25, 2008

Fearless TV and Jupiter One auf Deutsch

If you missed our broadcast of "Wrong Line" on Fearless TV, here it is. It was broadcast nationally on Fox TV in the wee hours of weekend viewing.

Also for you German speakers, here's a fun interview auf Deutch.

Day 17 Easter!!!

Dave can eat cookies again. Lent is over. Let's all go to the fair. In Richmond!
This is what Dave called the "analog internet"

Yeah, so on Easter sunday on Monument Blvd (or St or Ave) all the womenfolk put on Big Hats and thousands of people enjoy bands and lemonade and kettle corn and each others' dogs.
This was an idyllic day weather-wise and company-wise. Corey and Margo are still taking care of us. We had a delicious breakfast (courtesy of Corey) and a dinner that, if it were served in a restaurant, I would have been asked to leave even before seeing the price. That means MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

So we rushed over to Banditos for an impromptu gig that Corey and Margo hooked up for us with the super cool owner Rick.
Thanks for that! cause it was such an awesome gig. Everybody brought their friends, Andrew and Pat brought a PA and general rocking ensued. Definitely looking forward to coming back there.

Pat had the pictures of that debauchery, but our Enemies sent this agent to steal the microfilm. This picture was taken moments before Mustafa the cat swallowed the film and leapt out the window, laughing into the night. Pat remembers nothing.

Day 16 Day Off!!

You know we know what we're gonna do tonight. D.A.N.C.E.

The awesome Corey and Margo hooked us up with an awesome place to stay (theirs) in Richmond, VA.
We got there before them and were greeted by 5 giant tomcats, which Dave tried to make do a "roll call", to no avail.

They had a sweet white piano and we all went to work while we waited for the betrothed to come home.

After a little tailgatin'

we hit the town

but not before picking up the oh so lovely Maura Davis who cut the rug with us at New York Deli downtown. She's the talented singer of Denali, Ambulette, and Glos (there should be an umlaut over that "o").

Corey, you're the Man. Ice Man

Here's a relic of a very fun night in Richmond. Click to enlarge heaven.


day 15

Charlotte, NC. AGAIN! Only this time it's a big place - Amos'. Wow, only took a week for the word to spread from the Evening Muse to get us into a huge place, huh?
We played with a really good band called The Young Sons, and later shot over to the 'Muse and caught the end of Trances Arc. They are really bad ass.

So, as usual, lots of time to kill results in lots of lessons from Dave on democracy to Roscoe the dog on eating from the table (he's into Tocqeuville for some reason),

while i just watch K, enthralled with his vest and hair

Let's not forget the Happy Panda!

Ladies, introducing the Carolina Gentleman

Dave tearin' it up on the Fender Mexico

Even Pat seems surprised to find an old high school friend in LITERALLY every city we go to! Thanks for coming out, Matt

Trash Talkin'. R.I.P. guitar case

Bye bye Charlotte. Thank you Donnie and Laurie. See you soon.

March 21, 2008

Day 14

Greenville, SC has no pictures. Also, nothing noteworthy happened. Except that the country doctor was carried 10 miles through a blizzard by unknown horses the likes of which he'd never seen.
Thanks to Felipe and Luke and the crew for the after hang!! Special thanks to Nicole for the sandwiches. I'm sorry we forgot to pay for them. We owe you, with interest.


Day 13

Well, here we are again in Nashville. Last time we were here at the Basement was a rad time. This time we played at some place called the Mercy Lounge where you need to actually buy tickets to get in...
So we jerked around backstage where the real party was at. JABE, Beau, and Rachel came to hear us. That's vodka in that potato chip bag. Dave's ingenious cloak for the magic clear liquid went undetected up until he got scolded for drinking it onstage. Sometimes I wonder if Dave thinks he's invisible when he's not.

Dave got down

And downer

Somebody ate Pat's snack. "Where's my snack?"

There's always tomorrow, though... I seem to forget that sometimes. I'm reading all the reminders I texted myself the night before that I forgot to do. Now it's too late.

Thanks so much again to Beau and Rachel for putting us up again and for being part of our very exclusive fan base!
Kudos to Rachel for keeping up the jump suit. I wish we got a pic of you and K in your J-suits together.


Day 12

Still goin strong y'all.
Hattiesburg Mississippi.
Rolled in and got right to it

Dave wrote a Christmas song about Waffle House that he hopes to get played on their jukebox there.
I'm not kidding.

Mugshot's was the place we pulled up to and were assigned to play at. They had a claw machine game that had the stuffed animals taken out and lobsters put in. If you catch one, they'll cook it, a sign declares. I thought I heard them begging to be caught. Ian from People in Planes definitely wanted to get one of those bastards.

The gig was pretty rowdy with people dancing on the speakers and shit. College types.
Thanks to Kasey and Melinda's sorority for putting us up for the night. I don't think they cleared it with the board.
Very sweet girls, those two. Just look at that smile


March 20, 2008

Day 11

Baton Rouge.
I'll say it again: This place was named after the French enterprisers there saw stakes with heads on them, staining the stick red, which marked territory for a local Native community (no one in the 'Rouge has been able to cite the name of the tribe).

We met up with People In Planes here. They'd just come from Austin which I know very well is a long drive. Of course we celebrated their successful drive by kickin back a few.

Mike runs Click's Bar there and was totally awesome. It was motherfuckinsaintpatty'sday so we did some irish car bombs next door.

We had a lot of time to hang at Click's so we played some darts and stuff. I kicked Happy Panda's ass at air hockey.


DAY 10!

New Orleans hell yeah!
Mamma don't allow no music-playin round here
Mamma don't allow no music-playin round here
Well I don't care what mamma don't allow
Gonna play that music anyhow
Mamma don't allow no music-playin round here

Skunk in the barnyard -peeyew
Somebody ate it -that's you
How did it taste? . . . just right.
When did you eat it? -

ok nevermind that. what was i - OH YEah New Orleans.

Just call us Ocean's 4

Dave had never been to the Crescent City before so to celebrate we started drinking at noon, gave each other new names and did whatever we wanted, like trespassing:

Yeah we love taking pictures in or near other peoples' vehicles...
Guess what? The city even knew we were bringing our very own Happy Panda!

I had a great time at Maple Leaf last time I was in town, so after we yucked it up on Bourbon St. for a few, I typed the old 'Leaf into the GPS and it turned out it was right by Circle Bar, where we'd be playing. My point is that this proximity basically DEMANDED that we dedicate the rest of the evening to drinking at the Maple Leaf. We met a sweet man there who told us stories and a sweet bartender, Tracey, who got us feelin' good. Then back to the back patio where we met some other out of towners who were extremely generous and us very receptive.

We tickled Happy Panda for our own amusement

Circle bar was under renovation, so they brought in a little P.A. system and we played in the bar. No Problem. You want Rock. You got it. Thanks to The Teenage Prayers for kickin ass there and Justin for runnin' a cool room and hooking us up. Special thanks to Dave for bringing us to town! See y'all soon.


day 9

Apparently we went to a town called Montgomery which we knew precious little about outside of one of the saddest moments of the 20th century.
Apparently we played at a club called Off the Wagon.
These are facts and all I'd care to share.


March 18, 2008

dDay 808

Got another day to hang in Atlanta. Got a gig tonight. Hey guys what do you want to do.
I got those jeans I wanted. Dave and Pat got some sexy shirts. For some reason we don't have any pictures of the Little Five Points hang, but it was very cool. Some good vintage shops and I finally replaced my lost copy of Donny Hathaway Live (Orig not the other one from the same performances, fffft).
For some reason we don't have many pics of ATL at all. Did it happen. It's hard to tell.
Here's what we know.
We walked on stage dURING that badass tornado that tore up ATLANTA.
Course we didn't know it was a tornado till the next day.

Here's more of what we know definitely happened:

A bold kitty was rewarded for his boldness with dunkin donuts crumbs, which he washed down with puddle water,

we played a really fun show at 10 high club,

partied with some WILD locals. (There's Ryan and Sam again!)

And, apparently, i sang karaoke with the live karaoke band there after we played. I don't recall that, but it's hard to argue with a digital camera

hmmmmm. I wonder where we're going next


March 17, 2008

Day 7

HotLanta Bitchezzz!!!!

We came into GA to play a college conference. All was well until Zac started saying something about my Mom....

We took a walk so K could follow up on his stocks....

...scolded some local artwork...

Gave our best "Bad-AssLanta" look (except for K)

...bought a Nerf football named Jimothy (Kyle for short).

After Zac "dressed' his bench-hurdling wound, i had him "go long" and then threw a swift one to his front snack.

that's for Mom.

We had all day to do nothing and by the time our performance came up, we were.....well......this:

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    Aerial Entertainment, Inc