NYC @ Radio City Music Hall (AHAWHAAAAT?!?!?!)
We spent the day off going to cousin Nichole's Miss Lonelyhearts Party and kicking it ALL mu'ffin' N-I-G-H-T!!! Raging until dawn......(at least that's what we planned on doing) ....sorry Nichole!
Can't remember what we all wound up doing instead, but I know Pat was riding the subways listening to YIELD....We had to wake up real early and load-in to the venue at 9am. ugh. It took Zac a minute to get there cuz some jerk-off bashed the sideview mirror off the Blaze....poor BLAZE!!! We issued a $5,000 bounty on the head of this mysterious vandal with Jon Sordoni.....if HE can't locate and disppose of the man's limbs, then it was a ghost or giant spider.
Pat even consulted the magic disco ball for answers.....
...no luck. It just kept saying, "party time."
The house looked like this that morning....
Pretty soon it would look like this...
We had a real solid crew of Union guys bringing the stuf in and they couldn't believe how "nice" we were. They kept telling us to be meaner, ...that they could handle it, but Zac just kept smiling with that sweet, boyish grin of his. (We're never gonna make it with this attitude) Thank God Pat stepped in when he did and slapped a guy square in the nuts. Totally saved our reputation.
We hung with Ryan for a bit talking about the day's events,ate some breakfast, went home, and then came back around 3pm. (Just realized this sentence probably doesn't need to be here,,,,,,nonetheless, there it is.)
When we got to the dressing room, we were greeted by a bouquet of flowers....awwwwww
....BUT no booze. Hmmm...I'm on it.
We were restless and Pat got some Birthday Money so he picked up a Grown Man's drink....
Look who came up to hang with us...
(Oh yeah. Mocha was there too)
K needed to warm up and Zac was still sick so he brought out an old time friend...."Mr. Neti Pot."
It's almost Go Time.....i'm too excited...gotta get rid of this boner somehow!!!!
Ryan gave us a pep talk and we headed down to the stage.....
House lights came down....stage lights went up.....
(Thanks for the pics Yuki....Bob Scott took the following color photos)
(All B&W pics by Tim Willis)
(Dan Cho took these next 5 from the wings)

(this photo: Pearse Daly)
CLICK HERE for a review of the show by Nell Alk for PaperMag. On a sidenote, we also owe Nell a big hug for putting our record in the hands of "Phoenix." One of our faves....
After our set we got to see lots of friends and family.....
Ryan, Ricky, and Joey
Nana (she's 86 and STILL hot)
Kristy, Rick, Lyndsey, Rose, Reagan, and Kristen
(A.K.A. The SPF Limo Rollers)
I wish there were pics of all our friends and family, but I think we were all a bit caught up in the moment. So many important people came out to see the show and we'd just like to say THANKS and WE LOVE YOU. That night would NOT have been the same without you there...
After the show we hung around real real late....Then I remembered we left cousin Erica in the van with Shane for the last couple hours....woops
Sorry Erica!
Me and Zac were too busy looking at video clips of Veikko jogging in jean shorts so K had to drive us home....
Good Job buddy.....
It's rare that he's allowed to drive, but luckily we all made it home safely. Thanks for an amazing night everyone!!!
D, Z, K, and P