March 23, 2010

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 50)

Louisville, KY (Palace Theatre)

We woke up with some A/C trouble in the Blaze and decided to get it fixed here in Asheville before we made the long drive...wouldn't want it to lead to a breakdown (which has NEVER happened!) *except for that one time in Minneapolis....but still.

The BLAZE has NEVER let us down!!! *except for that one time.

We sat in the waiting room FOREVER.
Pat's friend, Pete, came to our rescue along with Don and Laurie. They picked us up and we all went to breakfast in town...I forget the restaurant, but it was super nice and we had fun walking around the city all day. Pete dropped us off back at the shop and we made our way to Louisville in the touched up Blaze....she's so refreshed now!

We made the drive to Louisville, KY and the Palace Theatre is a total work of art....
So are the vehicles that drive the streets of Kentucky...
Our dear friend Raina made the drive all the way from Columbus, OH...thanks Raina!

We stopped by one of our favorite places, HEINE BROS, for some coffee and snacks...mmm
K decied not to eat....he's trying to do his part.
Instead, we just gave him one of these from the van...
We picked up Christina some birthday gifts from Carmichael's and then headed back home to NYC....this was the last show of the tour!! We're sad, but also happy to see our friends again. Big thanks to Regina for taking us on tour and we'll be hitting the road again soon...just not with a super talented, hot, red-head this time. (instead, we'll just have K)

bye! Thanks to everyone we met along the way! We'll miss the open skies....(but not that Arby's)

D, P, Z, and K

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 49)

Asheville, NC (Thomas Wolfe Auditorium)

We've heard great things about Asheville, NC for years and were excited to FINALLY be playing here...our friends Laurie and Don Koster drove out from Charlotte and we had a great time with them after the show.

These are pics of Zac's guitar and K's pedals....not Don and Laurie. (unfortunately)
We walked around a bit and found some great vintage and book stores...I picked up these fresh kicks!
We also found toilet paper designed SPECIFICALLY for our amazing bass player, Pat.
The show was a lot of fun and we can't wait to come back...hopefully we can hang a bit more with the locals next time!


March 12, 2010

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 48)

Nashville, TN (The Ryman)

We were excited to play The Ryman tonight cuz it's super famous AND a bunch of our friends are coming....Kyle Andrews, all the Heypenny guys (and their lovely ladies), Lisa Brown, and, of course, our muffin man Beau from Computer Vs. Banjo.
Funny little story about this place...Pat's legendary cousin, Dennis Valentino, was driving across the country, got wasted, and was caught breaking into The Ryman running aimlessly around the stage. Within 24 hours, he climbed the fence at Graceland and started running towards the house. He was promptly tackled by 2 police officers on the lawn and thrown in jail. You're our hero Cuz!

The show was a lot of fun and we had a great time hanging out with everyone in the dressing room afterwards. Thanks for coming guys!


Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 47)

Nashville, TN (The Basement)
We somehow picked up a passenger in the Blaze by the name of "Bug" who rode with us for 3 straight days. It was hilarious. Here he is....
We're not sure when or how he got out, but he's missed and we got a little nervous cuz it's hunting season....Hope yer doin alright Bug!
Our memory is a little fuzzy at this point, but I think we played a show at The Basement on our night off. The Heypenny guys came out and so did some really cool new faces.
At one point a couple of girls came by with puppies trying to find homes for them. Apparently someone had tricked the girls earlier that night by allowing them to hold the dogs and then running off. Needless to say, the Blaze was not a safe home for these pups, but they were very cute so I'm sure it wasn't hard finding somebody.

We slept at our buddy Beau's house and did some Pilates in the morning with Denise Austin.


March 11, 2010

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 46)

Kirksville, MO (Truman State University)

We left Denton and started our drive to Kirksville....the native architecture of Missouri is slightly less "regal" than other parts of the country...
It was a long drive and we ran out of water bottles...
Zac and Pat picked up a little something to help pass the time....
When we arrived, we met Courtney Hurd and her awesome Lady Crew. We also spotted this sign at a random gas station......

ummmmm...hello??? Forgetting somebody??? (COMEon)

We played the show that night and headed back to our hotel for some PAAAAAAARTYYYY-ing.
Except that never really happened.

There was a weirdie pregnant lady working the desk who wouldn't let us in the pool OR play video games. The lobby was a complete ghost was closed.


...she totally didn't catch us playing the BIG CRANE around the corner!@!@!!!!! (sucker)

Pat set out to win me this Pink teddy bear in overalls named "Norbit." One try baby.

He is now a part of the band and travels with us everywhere. He's so pumped to be out of that glass cage and seeing the world!

Just a small town bear from Kirksville, MO....look at him. If only those fake watches and stuffed lobsters could see him now!


Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 45)

Day Off in Denton, TX

We had the day off and our friends McKenzie and Felicia came out to the Dallas show, so we decided to go visit them in Denton for the night. That means K is riding with us in the van now...yay! K's back! Let the good times roll....

good to have ya back buddy.

We rolled into town and hit up Dan's Silverleaf....that mysterious dark face in the middle is McKenzie of Midlake.
We met some of the local characters, heard some stories of David Bazan taking a shit, and then went back to McKenzie and Felicia's house. Their place is really really slick. McKenzie hung up pictures of some amazing musicians (including a few GIANT posters of himself) and their dogs were sweet as pie.

In the morning, we walked around Denton to check out some local "hotspots."

Of course we had to eat breakfast at Ruby's....
We think this picture of Felicia with the Old Court House should be Denton's new postcard, but they're not budging from that stupid City Hall one...
I mean it's an "okay" picture, but there's no hot girl in it! I mean COMEon people...basic marketing...get a clue.

Thanks for showing us around guys!


Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 44)

Dallas, TX (Nokia Theatre)

We woke up and said goodbye to the Colwell's...we'd be back in March for SXSW, but Zac still cried....just a his pants.

We played the Nokia Theatre in Dallas, TX and forgot to take pictures, BUT we met a bunch of nice people including this talented guy named Rolando who designed a poster for our NYC show....if anyone needs a designer, hit him up!

-Rolando Gutierrez


March 7, 2010

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 43)

Austin, TX (Stubb's)
Good Morning. We're about to play our favorite show of the whole tour. And we don't even know it yet.

The day started out right when I got a text message from Mike McCarthy (Spoon) saying he's coming to the show and interested in working on our next record. (we felt like school girls at the valentine's day dance)
We were playing a sold out show in Zac's hometown at Stubb's and totally blown away by this crowd. They were AMAZING!

Zac's family was in the balcony being all sorts of proud, while MY family was being all sorts of loud...nice pipes Michelle!
Michelle, Alisha, David, and Chris

Michelle took some photos and you can see more of her stuff HERE.
The music inspired some to kiss...
While the beer inspired others to barf...
It was good to see Marcus again with his lady Crystal...
Billy and Casey made it too!
Special thanks to Rick Kern for the following pictures....

Ausitn, TX....YOU were fucking incredible.

We met up with our friends Jeni, Joel, Donny, Lauren, and Trevor after the show and wanna thank them for making the long drive....we love you guys!


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    Aerial Entertainment, Inc