September 27, 2008


Ithaca, NY (The Nines)

We ate some breakfast while watching a street fight between some locals at the gas station. Must mean it's gonna be a good day.

Drove a couple hours to Ithaca and stopped by Gimme Coffee....the girl who worked there thought I was rude. (cuz my sunglasses were still on. whatever.) Me and K checked out some clothing stores; I bought some pants....K took a shirt out of the FREE bin sitting on the street corner. Then we went to VOlume Records and the guys were super cool....gave me a Jim O'Rourke cd for 5 bucks. We also stopped by No Radio records and then headed to the home of some of my favorite people in the world....The Mandeville's!

When the guys came back around to get me Hope invited them in for some corn and pesto. I went to the van and found them with shirts off, slugging on a Whiskey bottle....

They thought they were in no shape to keep company at the dinner table, but Emeline convinced them otherwise.....that's her with her boy Sam.

Hope prepared a corn-feast and Hazel busted out her favorite plates for the occasion....

This is Hazel coaching Zac in his Blueberry Picking technique.....

She decided he was now ready to go grab a basket full from the backyard....

Good job Zac....but you ate all the berries you picked.....check out the "feast" he brought back to the house....

K was doing some light reading while I hung out with Janet, Helen, and Chuck.

We said our goodbyes and went to The's one of the better spots for music and they have really god pizza so all was well. That's George behind the bar...he's the boss and super cool....

We played with The Thieve's Hymn and we gotta thank Jackie, Erin, and all the Mandeville's for coming! Honorable mention to Casey for the hug, Garret for leaving level 70 of Warcraft to come hang out, Alison, Helen, Janet, Calib and Kim for dancing, Carol for staying up all night, and Emeline for taking a bunch of pics.....

After the show we went back to Jackie's house and slept...she has an awesome, huge dog named Ava, but we ain't got no pic :(


September 25, 2008


Utica, NY (Mohawk Valley Community College)

Sooooooo i just never stopped.

K and Zac tried to find a "safe place" within their minds while I drove the next 6 hours through the night.....

We arrived in Utica at 9am but had no idea what hotel our rooms were in....K went to an Indian reservation Casino and gambled while the rest of us slept in the parking lot. Finally checked into the Hotel Utica at 11am and caught some sleep. Showed up at the college and loaded in....we were almost attacked by the largest mosquito thing ever:

The auditorium was super nice with a great lighting and sound set-up....only problem was there was no audience. 20 people at best. Don't get me wrong....they were a RAD 20 people, but the place was big and it seemed a bit awkward. To loosen up the room a bit I pretended to be Jupiter One's traveling support act....a comedian. A terrible, awful, uncomfortable comedian.

Here's a clip...

I then played the whole rest of the show with a hat and no shirt..... lots of people were were we. But it was fun and Pat's High School friend Anna showed up....

She's kinda classy. She drinks 40's from a glass....

K got blottod and tried to re-live his capoeira days....was asleep within 2 minutes.



Toledo, OH (Frankie's)

We met a really great guy named Ryan at Skully's and were supposed to stay at his place last night. When we got to the house (at 4am) his roommate woke up and freaked the F*ck out....we quickly escaped and shot to the Red Roof. I'm pretty sure those guys are no longer room-mates. Sorry RYAN!

The drive to Toledo was only a couple hours, yet K always manages to fall asleep. I swear that dude has narcolepsy.

We killed some time at the Food Market across the street....LOTS of Toledo characters in that place....lots. The whole night was death metal and we opened it up. Nice guys, but what were we doing there?????!!
Thanks for coming out Dave and Maelon with your respective lady friends.... we started our drive towards Utica, NY that night.



Columbus, OH (Skully's)

Zac and K met up with us at Krissy & Miranda's for a shower. Nikki had given them a present...a souvenir, if you will, to remember our last visit to Bowling Green, OH. She even framed it like the sweetheart she is:

Some of you might be thinking, 'oh. it's a newspaper clipping from the concert calendar. Or a review of the last show they played.' But actually it's a section of "Blotter" which prints all the dirty deeds done by the dregs of BG. Who's names have been added to that list of heinous crimes??? Take a closer look....

Look Mom...i'm not on there!!!!! :-) (Making you proud)

Some of you may remember our last time in town we had no place to go and a few hours to kill before the club opened up so we took to drinking inside the comfort of our van. Guess that's illegal. Weird when you think about it cuz we owned the booze and we owned the that so wrong?? This has been "Rationalization Hour" with your host, Dave.

Anywhooo....we stopped by Finders and then had lunch at Pisanello's. Thanks Miranda & Krissy!

We rolled up to Skully's and met Ryan from Ghost Shirt. Turns out they're named after a Kurt Vonnegut story of Indian warriors. Vonnegut so happens to be my favorite author so it's no surprise they were a great band too. The Hot Damn opened up the night and they rocked it. Lauren was training behind the bar and with Phil & Lindsay as "coaches" she's destined for greatness. After the show Phil and Dave from Ghost Shirt invited us to an after hours hang at AndyMan's Treehouse. We heard great things about this place back in NYC and it's rumors are not exaggerated. I'm reading The Aeneid right now so I might be a LITTLE too sensitive to "omens," but the first 3 of Phil's jukebox pics were The Beach Boys, ELO, and David Bowie. Must mean we're supposed to see this guy again....VERY soon.



Bowling Green, OH (Howard's CLub)

Soooooooo. Apparently the club in Indianapolis (that we had to cancel on) found out where we were sleeping last night.....

The VanDuyne's blessed us again with a huge breakfast and we al piled in the freshly fixed Blaze; headed for Ohio. Buddy was sad to see us go....

We finally got to the club 10 hours later and saw our friend Dave...he has the coolest car ever.

Nikki prepared a cupcake party for the door guy's birthday...she also took great care in our hand stamps:

It was also Melissa's birthday! She and Kerri hung out like champs on a Sunday night....Pat and Zac drank Tea Beer in her honor. It's an age old tradition dating back to 2008 A.D. Putting Tea Bags in your beer is a sign of fertility and sexual prowess. It's performed twice a year in Bowling Green, Ohio and the rite is often referred to as the Deece Tea-Bagging of BG.

A special thanks to the Pisanello's Pizza Girls for coming out, t-shirts in-hand, and putting us up at your place. We're glad Maelon came out with his new lady and we must say there ain't no Friday like a Sunday night in guys rocked.

Howard's Club is now officially "tagged"....

The Pisanello's Girls (Krissy & Miranda) have a really great house with even great-er cats....they're whores and we love them. (Zac and K went home with Nikki and I did miss me some Dean)
This is Oscar.

This is Ozzy.

That's Sasha to the right...

Check out Oscar's's ALWAYS up

We watched Robot chicken with JB and slept....

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    Ryan Ruden - Management
    Aerial Entertainment, Inc