November 30, 2008

Back in the NYC

AC/DC Concert

So when we got back, Zac and K went back into the studio (CT) to overdub for 2 weeks......anything their little heart desired. Since Pat and I had finished tracking we went home and started hustling for work. Well, actually just "I" started hustling. Pat was off galavanting around Camden, DE; eating pizza, drinking beer, and watching cannons fire at the AC/DC show....

He went with cousin Dennis...we stayed at his house last time we went through DE and he was so thoughtful to get "PAT" AC/DC tickets.....that was so good of you to do that for "PAT", Dennis. Way to hook "PAT" up...we're just glad yer looking our for "PAT" makes us happy to see "PAT" so happy...the best gift you could give the rest of us, is AC/DC tickets for just "PAT". Really.

They weren't just ANY tickets seats....where the cups runneth over and the pizza's always hot.

Now that the MUCH anticipated day has finally come...(and gone)...we're all afraid of what might happen to Pat's ambition...what's he living for?!?!?!


November 15, 2008

Columbus, OH

Andyman's Treehouse

After the Saloon show we drove a few hours to OH.

We found a good 'ole Red Roof Inn and watched some Robot Chicken before zzzzzzzz.

Woke up. Opened the shades and said good morning to the Blaze...

We had all day to kill so we went to our favorite Donut SHop.....Buckeye Donuts!
We saw a lot of interesting people come in and out of this member of the marching band for example....

BuckEye Donuts is a place you should all check it's the 8th wonder of the world. Zac left to meet a friend so the 3 of us walked around to some record stores like Used Kids and Thunderpuss. I got everyone buttons. Terminator for K, Pabst SuperCool for Pat, and Ray Charles for Zac. I also bought a LIVE Interpol album. Then we decided to go to Skully's for happy hour. $1.50 for everything!!!! It's 5pm and we have plenty of time.

This is Lindsey. She was explaining how the last person she went to screwed up her hair :(

But we think it looks nice. She also said Happy Hour used to be $1 for everything, but too many homeless people were coming in. Started to drive the locals out. So they decided to raise prices to $1.50. Soooooo...homeless people still come, but now they just tip her 50 cents :(

After about 2 hours, it was only 7pm and we were tanked.

Wait a minute! This just in...Pat's spoon, Un-used bottle of Suave Shampoo, "Don't Worry; Be Happy" T-Shirt, and box of Commerce Bank Pens just sold on Craig's list for $20. Hooray! Another round please Lindesy....

Pat got us to Andyman's Treehouse by 10pm....i don't remember getting the equipment inside but we did. I saw a "Big Lebowski" poster on the wall so Pat and I proceeded to drink White Russians in honor of "The Dude." The first band was really cool (don't remember their name) but I do remember trying to set up after them. I was in pretty bad shape but took deep breaths and lots of water. Rachel and Scott came all the way from Cleveland so we couldn't let them down! Pat also made his first Jupiter One set list, so it was a big night.

The band after us was also REALLY cool (don't remember their name either), but we gotta thank Phil for putting together such a fun bill. He and Sam are also in a band called Ghost Shirt....check them out! Sam and Corey had an after party and let us sleep over....she had 2 kool kats named Tomato and they are getting BUSTED!

We got to hang with some great Ohio folk and hope to come back real soon......thanks for breakfast Meaghan!!!!


Indianapolis, IN

Sam's Saloon

We drove 9 hours today headed for IN. Pat is going to see AC/DC in concert on Monday with cousin Dennis and he's never been more excited about ANYTHING in his life. He's in a constant state of Christmas morning all day long. We had a long drive ahead of us and he needed the new album, "Black Ice" to get prepared.....we made an All-in-One stop to Wal-Mart for some Subway and AC/DC.

Here we are desperately searching for the music could taste the suspense.....


Wait a minute....what's this?? It's WHITE. And it's the only WHITE one.....why is it white?...

Oh oh's the LIMITED EDITION!@!(!*!%!$!!!!!!!!

"oh man.....this is SO kool.....there's like... all these titles of songs on the back. and you can read them and stuff. and they're all really fun to say. and...and...and I bet they're gonna play a bunch of these on Monday....and....a-a--and I can sing-a-long and stuff??!"

Good afternoon sir. Did you find everything you needed?

"You have no idea blessed lady! Yes I did....please tell me how much I owe your price!"

"May the heavenly stars shine upon your path good woman."

"Sandwiches and rock. FEELS GOOD TO BE ALIVE!!!!!!"

Off to Indianapolis.....

All the while still listening to AC/DC......

Night's falling.....there's that giant creepy crucifix again....but AC/DC is STILL pumping in the Blaze, keeping us safe.

The blaze was a RockMobile for hours....

Even the giraffe had a good time....

We got to Sam's Saloon around 9pm and met up with the local band Tyler Bender...

Sam's Saloon TOTALLY Looks like one. It was established in 1872 and has a really cool vibe.

This is Doug the door guy.....

The Subjects from NYC also happened to be playing there that night. They loaned us some guitars for our recording last week and now we're playing together in Indianapolis....weird. They put on a great show...check them out sometime for sure.

Thanks for having us Mike...see you next itme

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    Aerial Entertainment, Inc