January 25, 2009

Atlanta, GA

January 19th @ 10 High Club

D: "Hey Zac. We don;t have a show tonight. Call Jessica (Coolio) and ask if we can hop on the 'Metalsome'gig."

Z: "She said it's cool. you just have to use their drumset."

D: "No problem. How bad can it be?"

D: "Ah."

METALSOME is an amazing live karaoke band that does what the Arlene's Grocery guys do....only better. This is our 2nd time opening for these guys and they always rock it. Playing this drumset proved to be a challenge as I couldn't resist using every apparatus i saw. Pat put it best after soundcheck when he said, "It sounds like Tim and Eric drumming." Needless to say I held back during the actual show.

After our set the citizens of Atlanta took the stage for some good 'ol rock n roll. Surprise guest that evening was our very own K Ishibashi.

You may have noticed on the screen behind him that the song of choice was "Cherry Pie..."

(video to come)

Big thanks to Ganesh and his lady for being there bright and early to hang with us...The show was cool....If there's a tale to be told here it's one about poor old Ricky the drunk. Ricky was some drunk guy at the bar. He tried to strike up conversation with Pat and Me but i kinda/sorta shrugged him off. Later, we went downstairs and poor old Ricky the drunk starting yelling after us. We kinda/sorta started to run away until I heard him yell "your hat!" Woops. he was just trying to return the hat i'd left. Awww....sorry Ricky. After the set poor old Ricky the drunk wanted to help us load the gear back in the van. The bartenders kinda/sorta started screaming at him for using the band exit. He was saying, "I just want to help these guys!??!" They finally let him go when we acknowledged he WAS in fact helping us. An hour or two after that we saw poor old Ricky the drunk hop on stage to sing a number with the band. The song started and he had no clue where he was. Just desperately trying to catch up with the verses and failing. By the first chorus the band had kinda/sorta "Rick Rolled" him (a la The Hook--Apollo Style). The whole band just turned the lights off...stopped playing...and took a trip to the bar/bathroom while Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" video played on all the monitors.....poor old Ricky the drunk was just left alone on stage trying to figure out what happened. An hour or two after THAT i found poor old Ricky the drunk kinda/sorta getting his ass beat by the sound guy and bouncer in the middle of the street. Cops came soon after and took him away. Sorry Ricky :( We wont forget you.

We all got started on our drive to Nashville that night.....we stopped at a rest stop along the way for some coffee, pretzels, and pee time....there was a velvet rope and a LOOOOOOOOOONG line. Thank God Zac had his VIP bracelet...."step right up boys!"


SOLID SUNDAY! Charleston, SC

January 18th - Day Off.

Ricky Hacker (A1-A-T-M-O-A-T) decided he would kick things up a notch and buy three bushels of oysters for Sunday afternoon. We stood around in his garage and steamed oysters and ate fried chicken provided by the last angel left on earth, Ricky's wife Elana.

K was so excited. Boundless food!

He found an oyster that blew everyone's minds... one with a BABY CRAB in it?!?!?!? What the crap!? it was amazing, a true marvel... So he ate it.

Here's Ford chowing down. He used to tour with Hootie and the Blowfish and wowed us with wild tales of excess from America's most mom-friendly rock band. We took notes.

A few more of Ricky's buddies cycled through, each with a case of beer and bags under their eyes. We were all flying pretty low from the previous nights excitement. Beers were drank slow, conversations quiet, everyone with their eye on the ball: NAPTIME.

Even the BLAZE looked sleepy.

Here's my old pickup truck that Ricky bought from me. If that truck could talk it would bitch... its been through a lot, mostly with Ricky riding shotgun. Glad to know its running strong under the watchful eyes of the Hackers.

We watched Led Zeppelin videos, ate sandwiches and hit the sack early. Solid Sunday!!! Atlanta in the morning!!

Thanks Hackers! See you soon. (but not too soon)


Charleston, SC

January 17th - The Tin Roof

Hey Girls and Boys! Panda Bear at the helm today... we just woke up at Margo and Iceman's in Richmond and after some serious bloody mary brunch hanging I'm going to report the events of Charleston, SC. Sit back and relax... this is going to take a minute...

We drove from Jacksonville after some coffee with Kevin and Gina. We got to drive over this bridge! Three times! (Ol' Zac forgot his coat.)

There were these smoking towers. Terrifying. Looks like where Homer Simpson works.

Anyway... I'm very serious on this drive because there's a very serious hang on the horizon. I don't want to be late. Pedal to the metal, BLAZE! (Dave loves when I drive fast.)

K doesn't .

FINALLY! We reached our destination. Charleston, SC. The home of my A1-ALL-TIME-MAN-OF-ALL-TIME!!! RICKY HACKER!! (applause)

Allow me to pause for a second and describe the nature of my relationship with Ricky Hacker. There's a moment that happens sometimes, a glimpse of common purpose shared between two souls... it doesn't happen to ALL buds when they meet, but when it does you just know... ya know?! And so it was with Ricky and I. Grand Theft Auto. We forged our friendship out of solid steel while pushing my mother's car out of the driveway at age 15 and, without hesitation, driving it to a party at a college 50 miles away. My mom never knew... until NOW! (sorry mom.) Between then and now there have been various car wrecks, rock concerts, road trips... I mean, I was best man at his wedding fer chrissakes. There's a lot to say, but I'll spare you. Just understand this... I was ready to get down with the ol' boy in Charleston ASAP. Back to reality:

We made it to Ricky's restaurant, the famous EVO Pizza in North Charleston, he fed us some SERIOUS food. He's got a wood fired pizza oven and uses only local ingredients. If you're ever in Charleston hit it up. Its really delicious. Dave's buddy Sean was there. We got to try almost everything on the menu...

but everything comes with a price...

Afterwards we took some glamour shots with various vehicles.

Ricky with the EVO Mobile

Dave and the BLAZE'S Grandpappy

Zac and the BLAZE

Me and Lil Pup

K making this poor Minivan feel used

Off to the show!

We had a blast! Thanks to Matt Welch, Lauren, Brendan, all the EVO Folks, Elana Hacker: Queen of the Angels, Sean, Jessica, Charleston Symphony, and everybody else that made the trip! We rocked it out until they threw us on the pavement. Dave and K went to Sean and Jessica's.

Zac and I went to Ricky's and prepared for a Solid Sunday.


January 24, 2009

Jacksonville, FL

January 16th @ Club TSI

So I'm a bit behind and the details are fuzzy, but here's what I remember. On the way to Jacksonville Pat got all hi-Tech Lo-Tech by creating a short film based on an answering machine message I had gotten.

It's called "hahahahahaha"

We hung around a Vintage shop called The Warehouse all day and met some really nice people. We didn't find any jeans (the one pair we each wear everyday are starting to wither away) so we went to the club for load in. We had some time afterwards and peggy gave us free movie passes so we went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Review: 3 thumbs DOWN; 1 thumb UP.

We went back to TSI where we found Kimmy, Georgine, and Peter. Pat gave Kimmy the camera to document the evening...

PBRs that night were on ly a penny. 1 cent. crazy!

I don't even drink beer but i had a ceremonial sip with Pat just to celebrate the thrifty beverage

Here's Pat asking me to grab his penny PBR off the monitor for him....

We all had a good time watching Eugene open the night. They also let K use their guitar when he broke a string. All the pics you see were taken by Kimmy and her friends....thanks guys :)

This pic of K cracks me up...not sure why...just does.

Thanks for all the pics Kimmy...

..after the show DJ NickFresh hooked up the dance party!

Smile For Camera.com also took some shots....

Our new Orlando friend Gina drove up to the show...her brother Kevin lives in Jacksonville and he let us stay at his place that night...

Kevin had us over for some drinks......K had lots....

I slept on the couch with my new friend Rocky (as in "Balboa")

Thanks for the food, drinks, and shelter Kevin!

(sorry i broke yer soap thingy)

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    Ryan Ruden - Management
    Aerial Entertainment, Inc