Jupiter One's Soundcheck at Mercury Lounge: Friday, March 27th, 2009
The following is an entry from our "Guest Blogger," Jeff Taylor
Myself being a lucky person, I got to hang out and watch Jupiter One's soundcheck at Mercury Lounge today. Panda played bass in my band last night when we performed at the Mercury, so this is his second straight night rocking for lots of cool folks at 217 East Houston Street.

Zac's side project for the afternoon was that of putting together some rad new paper lanterns for the band's stage setup. Does not he cut a dashing figure, outstretched arm and glowing orb in tow?

I took some close-ups of the guys' pedals & guitars, for all you CreepyGearFiends™ , HellMen™, and superfans.

The band treated us (a few members of another act on the night's bill and me) to spirited versions of some material from the forthcoming LP. The lighting technician got his bearings while J1 melted ghost faces with their new tunes.

After soundcheck, Panda and I walked around the Lower East Side, in search of a new pick guard for his Jazz Bass. When one shop didn't have it, we evacuated everyone within 5-block radius made some calls; I had a remotely-operated jumbo jet take them out.

When a second music gear shop failed to accommodate our needs, well, we didn't waste our limitless resources on idleness.

Here's to a great show tonight - I'll be front and center. I leave you with a picture taken from K's position at center stage.

Jeff Taylor
P.S.- No actual buildings, people, musical gear, or careers were hurt in the writing of this blog. The above commentary does not necessarily represent the opinions of Jupiter One™ or any of their affiliates.