March 28, 2009

Jupiter One's Soundcheck at Mercury Lounge: Friday, March 27th, 2009

The following is an entry from our "Guest Blogger," Jeff Taylor

Myself being a lucky person, I got to hang out and watch Jupiter One's soundcheck at Mercury Lounge today. Panda played bass in my band last night when we performed at the Mercury, so this is his second straight night rocking for lots of cool folks at 217 East Houston Street.

Zac's side project for the afternoon was that of putting together some rad new paper lanterns for the band's stage setup. Does not he cut a dashing figure, outstretched arm and glowing orb in tow?

I took some close-ups of the guys' pedals & guitars, for all you CreepyGearFiends™ , HellMen™, and superfans.

The band treated us (a few members of another act on the night's bill and me) to spirited versions of some material from the forthcoming LP. The lighting technician got his bearings while J1 melted ghost faces with their new tunes.

After soundcheck, Panda and I walked around the Lower East Side, in search of a new pick guard for his Jazz Bass. When one shop didn't have it, we evacuated everyone within 5-block radius made some calls; I had a remotely-operated jumbo jet take them out.

When a second music gear shop failed to accommodate our needs, well, we didn't waste our limitless resources on idleness.

Here's to a great show tonight - I'll be front and center. I leave you with a picture taken from K's position at center stage.

Jeff Taylor

P.S.- No actual buildings, people, musical gear, or careers were hurt in the writing of this blog. The above commentary does not necessarily represent the opinions of Jupiter One™ or any of their affiliates.

March 27, 2009

Mercury Lounge Tonight (NYC)

Hope we see you at the Blaze Birthday Bash!

March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday SilverBlaze!!!

March 19th, 2009
SilverBlaze turns 150,000 Miles Old

We woke up in Raina's sorority house and got breakfast at North Star....Buddha Bowl! We hung out there a lot longer than we should have looking through magazines and people watching. When we got back on the road we all got very excited anticipating the mileage marker that would make our dear sweet SilverBlaze 150,000 Miles Old!!

She was in Zac's hands going down a smooth Ohio road when the momentous occasion finally arrived...


We knew we had to celebrate so it was a special visit to the gas station today.....

SILVER Gasoline

Pat even spoiled her with some STP Fuel Injection....and why not? She deserves it!

If you'd like to send gifts please forward them to:

Ryan Ruden
ATTN: SilverBlaze Birthday
1755 Broadway
8th Floor
NY, NY 10019


March 21, 2009

Columbus, OH

The Treehouse
Today was an exciting one for two reasons. No. 1-- We're getting in the Blaze for the next 9 hours and driving to The Treehouse in Columbus, OH.

and No. 2 -- We found enough money in "Petty Cash" or as we call it "(Tom) Petty Cash" to buy jug handles of vodka/whiskey for the next 3 days. Yay!

Pat showed up at my house at 9am followed by a very hung-over Zac. We piled in the van and after 5 pee stops (for K) we had finally left the NJ/PA Turnpikes behind us and got out into some country...ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Panda's got his coffee in one hand and his favortie girl in the is good.

Until he remembers he has no money and needs to eat at some point today. Hmmmm.....E-BAY! For those of you who know Pat, you know that this is nothing unusual. Posting everything and anything he owns on the internet for sale is as common an occurence as brushing his teeth. (Which i can vouch for; he does at least twice a day) As we combed the van we noticed this shiny, Dunlop Uni-Vibe pedal he bought for Platform Moon. It turned out to be the wrong vibe for the song so we never used it. Pat enlisted my hand-modeling skills and off to E-BAY it went.....

Once the $175 rolls in for the pedal we can get THIRTY-FIVE $5 Foot Longs!!!!! We'll be set for the next couple weeks....but, until then it's MediFast Bars and water.

Columbus' Sky Scrapers (or Sky Scraper) came into view around 7pm and we headed straight to ThunderPussy.

On the way, we passed by the "Times Square" of Columbus...

Thunderpussy is a record store next to Skully's and we always make it our first stop.

We looked for a Big Lebowski Poster for Phil at The Treehouse (last time we played there someone stole it off the wall)..... but there was none to be found. Zac stopped in Skully's for a quick Happy Hour special....we said hello to our favorite bartender there, Lindsay, and then drove to Lizzy's house for some home-cooked GOURMET style dinner. We were really surprised. Lizzy served up some mean veggies with pasta, Denver rocked some chicekn on the grill, and Raina did the best she could serving us wine. (You did great!) After an amazing round table meal we pissed off Lizzy's room mate by leaving the cushions backwards on the couch and then took off for The Treehouse.

But first....we gotta put that (Tom) Petty Cash to good use....

We always get the cheapest and most disgusting brand possible. In this case we went with an old familiar vodka called "Gordon's." (For obvious reasons this name is dear to our hearts)

The dude from the Lab Rats opened up the night with his new project called "Hotel Eden" and then we played next. It was good to see some friends that took a long drive from Cleveland and Dayton at the show. Amber was there on her night off, Kat, Channing, Lauren, Melissa and Corey showed up and so did the chefs....We had a fun show and watched "Ghost Shirt" play after us....they sounded great and i love their intensity. Sorry you had to wake up early Sam!

We left the bar and went to Raina's for the night....after awhile, Kat serenaded us to sleep while singing along to Radiohead. Thanks for the shelter ladies!!!


March 12, 2009

Off to hear our friends NAKED HEARTS

The City is cold and we're all pretending we're important with places to be and things to do. but we're not.

The only thing we need to do is go hear Noah Wheeler's new band NAKED HEARTS. Years ago, Noah played bass in a band with Me and Zac called "The Figurines." (Defunkt since 2005) We played around the city for awhile until Noah moved. Here's a clip from Piano's:

When Noah moved back to St. Louis he formed a band with his girlfriend, Amy, and they moved to NYC (again). Only now he sings and plays drums to a recorded track of himself...Here they are...for a minute (literally):

So on this particular night Me, Zac, Pat, and our friend Ricky Valente met up at Death By Audio in Brooklyn...

I can't remember if anything of note happened other than a great show....

Oh yeah...there was one more thing. Pat and Ricky were EXTREMELY disappointed with the way my butt looked that night:

(i had thermals on underneath)


sorry's cold.


March 5, 2009

Bring Your Band to Work Day!!!

So we're finishing up this new album and there's a lot of stuff that needs to happen. like buttons. we need more buttons damnit! Who's on buttons??? Why are there no buttons on my desk, huh? WHY?!!!!


Okay. Just counted to 10. I'm back.

So Pat and I thought it best to make ourselves comfortable at the label office (seeing as how we have no computers anymore - i.e. Bushwick thieves). We came down to 30 Irving Plaza and took the elevator to the 3rd floor. Ryko!

Ariella hooked us up with our very own cubicles and we got to work.

I decided that Pat should have the "spacious" cubicle because he'd be doing a lot more work than me. I'll just take this weirdo tiny cubicle over here. Apparently in addition to music, our record label also puts out poorly-titled Japanes Porn??

About an hour later I regretted that decision when I found Pat on a "personal" call with Zimmer......


**actually this was a pretty funny moment. Pat has no minutes on his cell phone (and we don;t get a signal in there anyway) so he was calling people from the office line. When his friend Aaron Zimmer tried to call Pat back the receptionist answered. Of course the receptionist kept telling Zimmer that no one worked there by the name of Pat Dougherty and Zimmer kept saying, "well he called me from this number" and the receptionist said that no one worked there named Pat Dougherty and Zimmer said, "well he MUST be there cuz he called me from there"...etc....etc.... Finally the receptionist walked throught the sea of cubicles until he found 2 strange faces (us). He asked if one of us is Pat Dougherty and Pat replied the affirmative. He said, "Oh. You have a call on line 2. I'll transfer it to your desk." Ha! The dude thinks we work here now!! **

Anyway, after a long day of e-mails and button requests we decided it was time for some snacks and water cooler talk...

PAT: Hey, who do you like for the super bowl this year?
DAVE: I guess the yankees. Hey, did you see last night's Seinfeld?
PAT: nah. i missed it. Got tied up diversifying my mutual funds.

Back to work....Conference Room! We need to talk about the artwork for this new record and the possibilty of Subway's $5 Footlong Special expiring before the tour.....if so, we got BiiiiiiG problems...

Thanks for letting us come and hang out in the office ALL day!

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    Aerial Entertainment, Inc