November 20, 2009

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 27)

San Diego, CA @ House of Blues

We rolled into San Diego pretty late last night and met up with our friends Stacy and Javi....they live in a fancy-pants condo and we had a good time catching up all night. (At least Pat and Zac did) I went straight to bed like a wimp...all that non-driving across the country wiped me out. It was great seeing them and even better waking up to THIS in the morning.....
We finally made it to California!

I ran around in short shorts while Pat and Zac sorted out all the t-shirts and CD's in the garage ...i'm sure the residents were confused. We showered up and drove to the House of Blues where we met McKenzie's replacement...Mr. Matt Chamberlain! (great drummer who played with Tori Amos, David Bowie, Pearl Jam, and now Regina Spektor)

The House of Blues has a VERY strict No-Leaning policy....we alerted K right away.
***For those who don't know, after a few drinks our singer K has a tendency to lean on anyone he's talking with....some parts of the country have gotten wind of this behavior and take the necessary precautions. Some examples have been seen below:

Back to the House Of Blues....we were couped up in the van for 4 days straight so playing felt REAL REAL good....
Thanks for the pics Meredith!

We were happy to see Stacy, Javi, Christine, and Jason again...they brought us cookies! We also had a ticket give-away on FACEBOOK and Pat's friend Stephanie Washburn won :) It was good to see her there with her friend Wave....Not to mention our home boy Matt Quillen!!!

After the show Pat and Zac went home with Uncle Jim Reid while I went home with Stacy and Javi....we had some drinks first around the corner where we met Sabra, and then headed back to the condo. Stacy passed out and Javi made me a RIDICULOUSLY awesome meal at 3am...thanks!

Pat's gonna fill you in on their night.....take it away Panda!

All right, DAVE!!

Finally, time to get a goddamn word in edgewise. If there's one thing you ought to know about Dave, dear readers, is that he talks and talks and talks day and night. Talks to everybody he sees about everything under tha sun. Talks in his sleep. Its endless. When he's not talking, he's typing. Fast. Furious. We put weights on his fingers to slow him down, but he counteracts that with protein powder. Strongest fingers ever. Anyhooooooo....

Zac and I left the venue with his Uncle Jim. Time for us to get schooled by the master. Zac's uncle, as you may remember from last year, is a fascinating individual... an informational powerhouse of all things music. He knows everything. He tries to teach us everything, but then hampers us with mixed nuts and wine until I usually fall asleep mid-sentence. Which I did... but, not before hearing some amazing recordings and getting my mind blown with this visit's topic of discussion: Does music influence recording technology, or the other way around? You're answer must be no less than a million words. You have 5 minutes. Go!

Here's Uncle Jim's lab:

We drank 100 bottles of wine, ate 1 of each kind of nut found under the sun and stayed up til dawn listening to all kinds of stuff. Aunt Ryoko has a STRICT deadline for breakfast! 10am?! Better hit the sack or we'll never make itzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

- Panda

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 26)

Jupiter One Goes to The Grand Canyon!

We woke up in some weirdytown and followed signs for the Northern Rim. The drive was a little longer than expected, but that's just cuz we're so excited!

When we got to the Park Entrance, we were told it costs money to get in!!!! We couldn't afford it, so we didn't get inside. But we DID find this highly detailed's beautiful!
As we started to drive back we saw some wildlife....

Naturally, we shot them. Then sold the pelts to some local shop keeps and earned ourselves just enough money to cover the price of admission! (*all except the bear. That one turned out to be bronze) We drove right back around and got ourselves to the Grand Canyon.....

Now you might be asking yourself, "How did this get here and where did all the water go??" Good question. Watch this video for answers...

At some point we had lost was clear he must've lost his footing and plummeted to his death...we called out to him FOREVER, but after 40 to 50 seconds we had lost hope. He was gone :(

Even this sign warned us of the dangers that lie in extreme Arizona heat....
We bowed our heads in respect and uttered a few words on behalf of the family and friends that will miss him over the years.....What a great bass player. What a great MAN. So sad. So tragic.
Then we heard something, "Hey Guys! I'm over here!"
He's alive! So weird!! I mean, who would've guessed in a million years that he'd just up and walked all the way over THERE????? We just figured he was dead. So amazing!!! We didn't let him out of our sight for the rest of the day...
Zac and Pat talked about things that had been left un-said for way too long.....
We each took some time to reflect on what life was like when we thought Pat was gone forever...
Pat was unclear as to what exactly he was supposed to be reflecting on so we decided to head out and go visit my buddy Jim Maurer. He and his wife Lynn just had a baby and live in Phoenix (-ish).
We got to the Maurer house and Sean was wearing a rocker's onezie...
I showed her what a rock band's van looks like....
Turns out she's more of a "Tour Bus" type. She started bawling...Apparently whenver Sean gets cranky, the only thing that makes her feel better is dressing up like a hot dog.
Jim and Lynn know that we're always starving so they ordered some pizzas while we taked about Lynn giving birth and Jim running triathlons. Congrats to both of you and we hope to see you again soon!
Which famous cartoon character does Jim look like??
Here's a hint: It's Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.

P.S. Glad yer alive Pat.


November 18, 2009

Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 25)

Westward Bound (Pat's B-day!)
Okay. It's the morning. You ready for some serious spinal movement, Pat?!
Kaci made good on her promise for Pat's birthday present.....She was great and anyone in the Amarillo, TX area looking for some adjusting should give her a call!
Now Pat was feeling like he could take on the open road again for a couple more days...
One of Pat's closest friends and former employers, Jim, is a trucker....he and his girlfriend, Amy, travel around the country all year round. Occasionally, we'll be able to cross is one of those days and it MUST be fate cuz it's Pat's birthday and yesterday was JIM's birthday (also mine). Apparently, the best bass player of our lifetime likes Oct. 23rd babies the mostest.
We figured out which rest stop to meet him and gave his truck a free check-up....
Yup. All clear. Good seeing you guys!
We got back on the road, but the Birthday Boy needed a pick-me-up.....
Really? At the DQ?
Best Birthday lunch ever!
At this point Pat was all hopped up on Burgers and Blizzards.....we were lookin for some trouble.... seeeerrrrioussss trouble!
"Wait. Pat....what's that up ahead???"
"It looks like a....wait....looks like...."
" a TRAAAAAIN! Let's race it!!!!"

Now that we'd made it clear the SilverBlaze could NOT be beat, we stopped off to grab the new Flaming Lips record to simmer down...
We took the rest of the drive a little easy......
Pat's birthday was coming to an end...while he counted the FB birthday wishes, to see which one of us had more,
...we got ourselves to an Arizona hotel.....Grand Canyon in the morning!!!

Happy Birthday Pat....we crossed a couple time zones and celebrated our birthdays together for 51 you!


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    Aerial Entertainment, Inc