Sunshower Tour w/ Regina Spektor (Day 27)
San Diego, CA @ House of Blues
We rolled into San Diego pretty late last night and met up with our friends Stacy and Javi....they live in a fancy-pants condo and we had a good time catching up all night. (At least Pat and Zac did) I went straight to bed like a wimp...all that non-driving across the country wiped me out. It was great seeing them and even better waking up to THIS in the morning.....

We finally made it to California!
I ran around in short shorts while Pat and Zac sorted out all the t-shirts and CD's in the garage ...i'm sure the residents were confused. We showered up and drove to the House of Blues where we met McKenzie's replacement...Mr. Matt Chamberlain! (great drummer who played with Tori Amos, David Bowie, Pearl Jam, and now Regina Spektor)
The House of Blues has a VERY strict No-Leaning policy....we alerted K right away.

***For those who don't know, after a few drinks our singer K has a tendency to lean on anyone he's talking with....some parts of the country have gotten wind of this behavior and take the necessary precautions. Some examples have been seen below:

Back to the House Of Blues....we were couped up in the van for 4 days straight so playing felt REAL REAL good....

Thanks for the pics Meredith!
We were happy to see Stacy, Javi, Christine, and Jason again...they brought us cookies! We also had a ticket give-away on FACEBOOK and Pat's friend Stephanie Washburn won :) It was good to see her there with her friend Wave....Not to mention our home boy Matt Quillen!!!

After the show Pat and Zac went home with Uncle Jim Reid while I went home with Stacy and Javi....we had some drinks first around the corner where we met Sabra, and then headed back to the condo. Stacy passed out and Javi made me a RIDICULOUSLY awesome meal at 3am...thanks!
Pat's gonna fill you in on their night.....take it away Panda!
All right, DAVE!!
Finally, time to get a goddamn word in edgewise. If there's one thing you ought to know about Dave, dear readers, is that he talks and talks and talks day and night. Talks to everybody he sees about everything under tha sun. Talks in his sleep. Its endless. When he's not talking, he's typing. Fast. Furious. We put weights on his fingers to slow him down, but he counteracts that with protein powder. Strongest fingers ever. Anyhooooooo....
Zac and I left the venue with his Uncle Jim. Time for us to get schooled by the master. Zac's uncle, as you may remember from last year, is a fascinating individual... an informational powerhouse of all things music. He knows everything. He tries to teach us everything, but then hampers us with mixed nuts and wine until I usually fall asleep mid-sentence. Which I did... but, not before hearing some amazing recordings and getting my mind blown with this visit's topic of discussion: Does music influence recording technology, or the other way around? You're answer must be no less than a million words. You have 5 minutes. Go!
Here's Uncle Jim's lab:
We drank 100 bottles of wine, ate 1 of each kind of nut found under the sun and stayed up til dawn listening to all kinds of stuff. Aunt Ryoko has a STRICT deadline for breakfast! 10am?! Better hit the sack or we'll never make itzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
- Panda