April 9, 2009

Lexington, KY

The Dame

In the morning we found poor Libby cuddled up in blankets on the other couch. It's her house and she's got the sofa?? sorry Libby...we appreciate your hospitality :)

We're hungry and there's only ONE place we can go to fill that void. It's been Jupiter One's "place for breakfast" in WV and we always look forward to it. They serve biscuits with all sorts of greasy bad-for-you stuff on them.

TUDOR'S Biscuit World!!!

We usually stick to "The Mountaineer" and "The Golden Eagle."

The Mountaineer's a biscuit with country ham, potato, egg & cheese.

The Golden Eagle is for those who wanna substitute some of that country for a taste of our friendly northen neighbor. It's a biscuit with Canadian Bacon, potato, egg, and cheese.

We spotted a fellow patron with an exceptional style of facial hair. The all too often neglected "Neck Beard." Which I suppose falls into a category beyond "facial" and puts one foot in the "body" hair door....perhaps that's what makes the "Neck Beard" so parlous. At any rate we knew we HAD to capture it....but how? Who dare approach the savage Neck Bearded Man with a camera pointed in his direction?

K. That's who.

(just kidding. of course not)

I took the camera, and from the other side of a partition, did my best to snap a surreptitious photo. I was EXTREMELY intimidated and nervous to be caught by the furry scrag; so I regret the photo was a bit blurry. Requires some scrutiny....

After a wave goodbye to the Biscuit World we rolled into the Blaze with our sites on Lexington, KY. Georgine, our GPS, put us safely in with a lot of time to kill. We strolled in the park around the corner and took some pictures with the bronze extolments celebrating the Thoroughbreds...

We couldn't help but notice a foul scent in the air. Zac checked the horse's ass for the off-putting scent....


I checked the Jockey.....


It appeared to us that this poor jockey must be doomed to still life with shitty-pants. Much like some Greek Mythological martyr.....Doomed to an eternity of riding a horse with shit in his pants. Unable to sit down ....what torture! He must've been some demigod who cheated a race or something.

Pat felt pretty bad for the guy and offered "Jockeylysses" an opportunity to call Mt. Olympus for clemency.

Slightly downtrodden and sad that Jockeylysses refused Pat's help....

... he decided to take it upon himself to send this other guy here on a mission to bring word of the cursed man's plight. With a grand gesture Pat bid the man off on an errand fit for Hermes....

..but again. nothing.

Pat even tried calling the sacred mountain himself....

....but couldn't figure out the area code to Thessaly.

Booooring. Oh well. sorry Statue-with-Shit-in-Your-Pants-Doomed-to-Suffer-Life-Eternal....we're gonna go frolick with all the other living things frozen in time!

What do you guys wanna do now?? Hey, isn't that K over there resting peacefully on the grass...basking in the sunlight?

After that got boring too, we walked to the club and loaded in. The soundguy forgot his iPod so I got to "DJ" all night! So much fun especially since Pat didn;t know and said "Dave! They're playing all your favorite songs tonight!"
Oblio from Nashville put on an amazing show and we had a great time playing for all the Chico Fellini fans that night...Special thanks to Brent and Cara Burpee for the Vietnamese xylophone! THey drove from St. Louis and we always look forward to seeing them. Pat and I got into a little scuffle which left my right thumb incapacitated.... Luckily this happened AFTER we played....but still. Way to go PAT! >:(

We had a lot of fun at The Dame and we look forward to coming back....thanks Lexington!



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    Ryan Ruden - Management
    Aerial Entertainment, Inc