More pics from London

The jet lag would basically keep me up untill 6 in the morning, at which point I'd roll down to the restaurant for my complimentary English Breakfast. Scones, pudding, tea, etc. Then I'd sleep to the pounding sound of Lady Gaga on the "tele".
Here's the gang on our way home (with a potential triple Festo). Yoed, Dan, and Beth, see you next time. We'll be playing with Regina Spektor at The Beacon Theatre and on Letterman next month so stay tuned!

It was really great to see a familiar type of food (£1.99 foot longs?), but I opted to spend my entire per diem on one meal. Aubergine peas in Thai curry? Outrageous yet simply devine!!

The dude within me forced myself to take this photo of this Ferrari. Below is Picadilly Circus. These film cameras make all my pictures look like my parents' old honeymoon photos when they went to Tunisia.

Jupiter One debut album for £13 ($20 ouch!).

They made this huge "K" for me. Actually it's K for Kasabian. They were nice "blokes". The Golden Silvers, Baba Maal, and The Pretenders were also on. There was a huge afterparty afterwards, but Regina's manager strongly encouraged us to bring the party to the hotel. We definitely b-b-b-brought it.
